Facilities and amenities in Aparthotel Four Leaf Clover - Bansko Apart-hotel Four Leaf Clover - Bansko has quite a few facilities and amenities that our guests can use and enjoy. Bellow you can read more detailed information about each facility with pictures. The Spa center in apart hotel Four Leaf Clover - Bansko has jakuzzi, saunna, steam bath, relax area, massage room, changing rooms with lockers, showers and others. The SPA center in aparthotel Four Leaf Clover - Bansko is at available for all guests of the hotel every day from 9:00 to 22:00. Using the spa center is free of charge for the guests of the hotel. The paid services are massages and other spa procedures that the SPA center is offering. continue The swimming pool in apart hotel Four Leaf Clover in Bansko is covered. The water in the swimming pool is heated and is more than pleasant to sit in the swimming pool and watch while the weather snows outside. There is a direct connection from the swimming pool to the Spa center so just after or before the swimming pool you can have a massage or stay in the sauna or the steam bath for some time. continue The restaurant in apart hotel Four Leaf Clover in Bansko is well arranged furnished in modern style. The restaurant is for 60 people. We serve Bulgaria, Russian, Greek, Turkish and many other cuisines. continue Apart hotel Fgour Leaf Clover in Bansko provides ski wardrobe for the guests who bring their own ski equipment. The wardrobe is free of charge for all guests of the hotel and is working every day from 9:00 till 22:00. continue |